Plagiarism Policy

Originality and Authorship:

  • All submitted manuscripts must be the author's original work.
  • Any use of others' work or words must be properly cited or quoted following academic standards. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and is strictly prohibited.


  • Authors are prohibited from reusing substantial portions of their own previously published work (self-plagiarism) without proper acknowledgement or justification.
  • Republishing the same research in multiple journals or primary publications is not allowed.

Concurrent Submissions:

  • Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is unethical and unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources:

  • Proper credit must always be given to the work of others.
  • Authors must ensure that all publications, ideas, and influences that have shaped their research are accurately cited.

Editorial Screening and Verification:

  • The Managing Editor will manually review submitted manuscripts to ensure proper citation and quotation.
  • All manuscripts will also be evaluated using plagiarism detection tools, such as Turnitin. If the similarity index exceeds 30% without valid justification, the manuscript will be immediately rejected.

This policy reflects our commitment to maintaining academic integrity and the highest standards of ethical publishing. Authors are urged to adhere strictly to these guidelines to ensure a fair, transparent, and scholarly publication process.